The Easy Run


Dear lovely readers and fellow runners, today I am going to cover a very important aspect of ones training routine: the easy run.  I feel inspired to cover this topic as I just ran my best and most enjoyable easy run (or run in general) ever.  Not to say that I haven’t enjoyed efforts in the past or appreciated the accomplishments from hard work after the fact, it’s just that today during this barefoot, on soft grass, 5 mile 9:48 pace I was in such a lovely groove that I now truly understand why this time spent running easily is so important.

In the first place, aside from the fact that many runners are looking for better times and more accomplishments, we initially started running since this activity is so primal it brings us back to an element of our self that is easily overlooked in our modern society (i.e. when we were little kids we ran because we could).  It’s like mini rewilding vacations even though one may be surrounded by a concrete jungle.  For a human being, nothing is purer than running.  So, the easy run is just that, a time to return to our natural roots free from the bondage of modern life without the need to conquer any goal – it’s running for the sake of running.

Furthermore, and in regards to a run training program, the easy run allows our body to recover from the harder efforts all the while still prompting the body to understand that it will need to continue making adaptations to endure the stress from running.  This means, we will give it the opportunity to get stronger and faster without over doing the stress level.  And if you’re a runner you know full well what over doing causes, no need to explain that.

Along with both of these points, an easy run is a great way to refresh your running drive, that deep seated passion to push the limits of our bodies and see what we are capable of.

The point is, take time to love your self and respect your body with these easy runs.  Trust me, you will enjoy it to the fullest and feel refreshed and ready for your next hard efforts.

I love this statement, “make haste slowly”.  An apt way to express how to develop running longevity.


As runners we have many different tools of our trade.  From foam rollers, compression gear, lacrosse balls, physio appointments, massage therapists, chiropractors, yoga, tai chi, ice baths, supplements, high-end running shoes, coMra-Therapy and so on.  In each of these we look for ways to maintain healthy and injury free to continue pursuing our passion of running.

I am now going to properly introduce you to a life changing solution that I have found invaluable in overcoming some serious injuries and running conditions that would have otherwise proved difficult to recover from.  Now, knowing that a tool is just that, a tool, it’s all in the manner of how one uses such and makes the most of what is in front of them.  I mention this because knowing the stubbornness of runners firsthand I need to share that life is a natural gradual process of evolution and running is no different.  This means, even though coMra-Therapy will cut most injury healing times in half, compared to only using the R.I.C.E technique espoused by most, one will still need to see through proper rehabilitation strengthening exercises and appropriate rest.


Knee Ache Treatment

After a day of adding some additional miles to my training regimen, I noticed an ache in my knee that made walking a bit uncomfortable.  That evening I proceeded to treat it with my Delta Pro Medical Terminal as I didn’t want to take any days off for it to normalize nor did I want it to progress further.  And it worked out exactly as I wanted it to as my training program continued without a hitch.

Recuperation from Injury

Plantar Faciitis Treatment

I recently developed my first case of plantar faciitis.  One thing I’ll state upfront is that having the ability to effectively treat many of my sports’ conditions at home has made me quite bold about training through certain injuries.  I do this especially in the case of grade 1 muscle strains where I’ll return the following day to running with a toned down approach in terms of a shorter stride and slower cadence all the while treating the affected area with coMra.  I did the same with the plantar faciitis injury because at first I didn’t know it was plantar faciitis, being my first time experiencing it.  Not knowing exactly what was the problem with my foot, I ended up training on it for 3 days one of which included a 10 mile run.  This was the second day I trained on it, the first being a strength and conditioning circuit including tuck jumps and many more high impact movements.  And the best part was, it was getting better!  Well, that was up until I did the 10 mile run. LOL My bad!!!! After that run, I took two running days off (I cross train) and then I did a nice run set which was the straw that broke the camel’s back.  Realizing that I want to have this issue heal fully, I decided to only cross train around it and treat my foot with my Delta.

A week later I ran a total of 10 miles at varying speeds.  Now, to be fair, I did notice the area was a bit tender the evening of this 10 mile day and decided that on top of coMra a lacrosse ball under foot, rolling back and forth, would add an additional healing dynamic with its gentle, yet firm, rolling motions.  The combination was magic!  Like I  mention above, the extent of a tool’s efficacy is all in the manner of how you use it.  Furthermore, builders don’t just use one tool when they are constructing something.  Instead, they employ an assortment of tools to accomplish their work from nails and hammers to power tools and cranes; running is no different.  I liken coMra to the high-end power tools that get the job done more effectively and efficiently when used under a thorough rehabilitation program.

Family Matters

Being an active father, and married to an active woman, we have raised to very active boys.  Now boys will be boys, pushing their limits to times of physical harm.  Case in Abrasion Treatmentpoint is an abrasion my eldest attained by doing his natural freerunning/parkour practice at the park.  The two images on the right side of this picture collage are from February 28, 2015 and March 1st, 2015 (1 day!).  As you can clearly see, the healing that took place was rapid.  We only cleaned the wound properly with soap and water and then administered a 3 minute treatment on the Delta 1000Hz setting.  And that was all!

The 1000Hz setting is used for superficial conditions of the skin.  The Delta also has a 5Hz setting – for deeper penetration, 50Hz setting for medium depth penetration, and a Variable setting which cycles through the above mentioned frequencies and where it is preferable to reach various depths.

The speedier healing time also occurs in a similar vein with internal injuries for any tear, strain or sprain.  Times do vary when it comes to acute or chronic conditions and taking into account the type of tissue involved.  So, be patient, give your body love and care and enjoy the ride.

How does it work?

As complex as it might sound to some, this is a simple therapeutic approach that is very easy to use.  Basically, coMra-Therapy works only by supporting the body to heal itself.  In other words, the body has the intelligence and the capacity to heal itself, what coMra does is provide an energetic stimulus the cells understand and use, then the work is done by the innate ability of each specialized unit of the body.  This is primarily why coMra-Therapy is considered a holistic modality with no harmful side-effects.  It doesn’t change anything, move anything around, or alter the body in any way.  As the radiances are absorbed by the body, the most notable effect is increased ATP, the energy currency of the cells, via natural cellular metabolic pathways, and here it is plain to see how just this process alone can induce quicker healing times for an assortment of conditions.

I truly hope this information helps you become a healthier and more vibrant natural athlete.  And remember, above all else, the most important part in healing, training, and life, is belief in Self, which is the true limit not the sky.

To receive 10% off your purchase of a Delta device and make an income sharing the benefits of coMra, please visit coMra For All and sign up to become an ambassador.

Happy Trails!

Will Power


Today I find myself searching within and finding what I am doing wrong. I understand at the mental level we create the world we live in based upon our beliefs on what we are perceiving within life. A good video to watch concerning this is Dr. Bruce Lipton’s presentation on the “Biology of Belief”.  Yet, I am still struggling with the practice of this aspect of will power.

As a young athlete growing up I would watch many of my peers deal with pain, discomfort, and injuries and I would wonder why I didn’t encounter such issues.  I went even as far as to want to experience those things also.  Maybe because of some sort of attention seeking behavior.  Now in my folly, I wish I could have been wiser and not even considered such ludicrous thoughts.  I’ve been struggling with one injury after the other and I fully believe it has to do with my mindset.  With coMra-Therapy I heal rapidly and really haven’t stopped training in general – been doing lots of cross training in the form of swimming and the elliptical, but every time I get back on the track or do some run training my mind picks up on the worry that an injury could happen again in the areas already weakened by previous conditions.  And knowing that physically this is possible, I nonetheless should think more positively and just LET IT GO. 

I came across another blog here from Run to the Finish, which is by Amanda Brooks.  Reading through it and coming across the concept of Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS), a condition coined by Dr. John Sarno, I reaffirmed what I already knew: I am creating these conditions with my mind since I am not in a place of balance.  Now I haven’t read his books, but I have read an assortment of other related topics and basically understand the negative approach I am taking by preconditioning myself to getting injured.

Six days a week my wife and I spend about an hour doing Tai chi joint loosening exercises, partner stretches, and yoga.  Last night we spoke about this and since lately she’s been working with affirmations she shared I should consider finding a few of my own and apply them in my life.  Personally speaking, I’ve been reluctant to try this.  Not because I don’t see the value in the technique, mainly since I prefer quietness of mind and a state where one opens them self up to nature and the sounds of life.  However, I’ve let the negative creep back in again and in this state-of-mind been caught up in a trap of my own making.  Hearing my wife share her perspective on what has worked for her and taking into account my laziness in actually applying my self to pay attention to life in the moment, I feel a bit more invigorated today.  Knowing that no goal is an end in itself as once achieved one feels just as empty as before and another crutch (read: goal) is placed in front to deny life of its merit, I will take these steps as another leg in my journey and be as impeccable as I presently am to embrace life right now.

That being said, today I woke up to this lovely breakfast made by Diana (my wife).  She made banana pancakes – made with an organic banana, its important to purchase organic for bananas as this fruit utilizes heavy pesticide use in its conventional form – with bacon and a fried egg.  We haven’t fully collected all the more sustainable forms of food we love and support, but we are working towards that level.  We used organic coconut oil, raw honey and pink Himalayan sea salt.  Just a few ways to improve the quality of your food without having to dig too deep into your pocket books.  Here is the result:

Banana Pancakes, Egg and Bacon

Raw honey and organic coconut oil on organic banana pancakes, egg and bacon. Himalayan sea salt for seasoning.

Now I did train today.  I know of only one way to face your fears and that is by putting yourself in the situation that you fear the most.  My runs were centered around starts and short distance sprints with some master runner friends of mine.


That’s me on the left with the white compression sleeves


We did work off the starting blocks (haven’t done this since high school) and our distances started at 20 meters to 60.  It was raced and done hard.  Throughout, my mind didn’t swing towards the calf strain that I’ve been feeling, until the end of the efforts.  There was no pain and the only thing holding me back was the cautious thoughts I was having.

One thing I am blessed to have is a coMra device.

coMra scan

I have a Delta pro medical device and knowing that, at least, this handles my physical energetic deficits allowing the strain to repair at that level all the while refocusing my attention to the positive aspects of my life.


And, as usual, we made it a family affair:

All togetherMuch love to all you runners and adventurers out there…until next time.