Facts about Jiu jitsu

Yes, your reading that title right, you have probably heard about jiu jitsu, if not search it up. Jiu jitsu is a little something I like to do, it is a martial art that I like, what I meant to say instead of like, I meant to say I LOVE IT! Not many people know about jiu jitsu, and I want to share about it.( when I say Jiu Jitsu I mean to say Brazilian Jiu jitsu) I want to share about facts people don’t know about martial arts, like for example, in Japanese martial arts, the students are specialized in a type of weapon. Archery is specialized in Kyudo. Staff is found in Bojutsu. The sword is spotted in Kendo. Jiu jitsu is mostly on the ground, what I mean by on the ground is the techniques you do are on the ground, so it’s like karate on the ground.

Now I am going to tell you about jiu jitsu facts, jiu jitsu is, fun fact: the term ‘Jiu’ means ‘gentle’ and the term ‘Jitsu’ means ‘art’. The original Japanese translation means ‘gentle art’ in English. Ugh, you know what, I am not even angry anymore, but what I was saying is jiu jitsu is very old like very old, let me tell you about it. Jiu jitsu was taught to the Gracies from a man named “Count Maeda”, the Gracies found jiu jitsu as delightful and made a school in 1925, but jiu jitsu in general is very old let me explain, if you have a brother or a sister you both as a kid probably got in a fight and when you are in a fight it is normal to grab and wrestle, so jiu jitsu can be old, who knows it can be in the dino age. Can you believe Brazilian jiu jitsu was made in 1925 even I am surprised. Not many people know that every martial art that has belts have stripes, you may not now what stripes are and I will tell you, stripes are something you have on your belt, usually people think that you go belt to belt but that’s not true, you have to get four stripes on your belt then you have to advance to the other belt, and luckily I have 4 stripes on my belt, so that means I am on my way to getting a new belt.

As I always say, thank you for reading this blog post, and hope to see you again, Bye!

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About Kaden

I am a 11 year old who likes to run fast, play games, dance to music, and catch fish. I also sketch, draw and do bjj. Follow me @artbykaden on Instagram and follow me on tik tok at animeweb87. Also if you want to support me and buy every day items with my art on them go to shoperapy.com

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