“How can the strategy of going the extra mile help me attain these goals?”

When people don’t put their energy, focus, and time into something, they never will ever get stuff done.  They might have amazing ideas about different businesses they could start, things that they could do, or people they could be, but without going the extra mile, they will always lack the determination and motivation to achieve their goals.

When you go the extra mile, you will never do things sloppy. You will put your full attention and energy into your work. Going the extra mile would mean that if you get off at 5:00 p.m. but there is still more work to be done, instead of always running away from what you are doing, you stay and finish the task you have left. Instead of only helping customers that you know will provide profit, you should help every customer, even if it means referring them to another business or just being friendly. By going the extra mile, I could get more things done each day, have more time to do things that matter to me later, and achieve my goals faster.

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