“I will sell my business when it makes a profit of [$??] a year, so that I can [??].”

  Well first and foremost, I wouldn’t want to sell my business for any amount of money, because if I do start one it will be my passion, something I love doing not for the money but for the purpose. Nonetheless if I ever do this, this is how much, and what I would do.

  I would have to be making a profit of at least 15 million a year. Well, that’s if I ever do get that big (I was going to say I hope so, but I believe I can achieve that and higher). I’ve always wanted to travel the world, every bit of it! Climb mountains, scuba dive in colorful coral reefs, skydive, and do/witness many more amazing things. That’s probably what I would do and if you’re wondering what I would spend my money on, most likely cars, super cars, hyper cars, J.D.M. cars (Japanese domestic market), maybe make a few sleeper cars (which is a car that doesn’t look fast but is actually really fast) that I would modify myself and, in the process, learn how cars work and how its built.

  With all that said, I mostly likely will never sell my business, and if I do, I wouldn’t sell It, I would give it to my kids when I pass on. But I’m still going to find time to do all of the things I mentioned. Well, I hope to have what I just shared with you and much more and I will be striving towards it every day.

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