A story and facts about corn snakes

Hi! Today I am going to talk about corn snakes. First I am going to talk about the facts, then my story with these creatures. Okay lets get started

I know some people hate snakes as much as I hate spiders. I think snakes are really cool animals or reptiles, I am not sure. Some times when I am doing work I like to search up things about animals and facts that I like. One day, I was cleaning my house doing my chores like regular then I heard my dad call my brother and me so we went to where he was. After we got there he said look and what we saw was very cool it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drum roll please a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! snakelet, that’s right a snakelet. If your wondering what a snakelet is, it’s the term for baby snake. I really wanted to touch it, but I thought it was going to bite me so I didn’t. We searched it up and turns out that this baby snake is a corn snake and the cool thing about corn snakes are; fun fact: corn snakes are slender snakes. When fully grown, they average between 1.5 feet and 4 feet long. However, the largest recorded corn snake was 6 feet. What I was going to say before you interrupted me was corn snakes are pretty friendly, they don’t like to bite and they are not venomous so it was fine to hold it. My brother did, but I didn’t. Well seems like it’s time to talk about my story.

This story starts off like any other; one day, I was cleaning my house doing my chores like regular then I heard my dad call my brother and me so we went to where he was. After we got there he said look and what we saw was very cool it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drum roll please a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! snakelet, that’s right a snakelet. I really wanted to touch it, but I thought it was going to bite me so I didn’t. “I 100% didn’t copy that from the other paragraph” ok ok, I admit it, I did copy it form the other paragraph, shame on me, shame on me. So when my brother searched it up, that’s when he discovered they are pretty much harmless, so he put it on a little stick so we can take pictures of it. We wanted to name him so my brother named him Gerald the snake. After that fun fact: corn snakes are typically dark yellow, light brown, grey, or orange, with various patterns on their back. Mostly it is red or reddish-brown spots or stripes. Their underbellies have a black and white checkered pattern. Overall, the corn snake’s coloring will depend on their habitat to camouflage into their surroundings. Wait a minute, aren’t you supposed to be in the fun fact paragraph? Why are you in the story paragraph???? But what I was going to say after we took pictures of him, was that we left him where we found him, on a piece of wood. After that, we kept on checking on him until he left.

Thank you for reading, me the writer and Gerald snake thank you for reading about this story/fact blog post and goodbye.

My Cooking experiences.

Hi this is an essay about my experience with cooking and what happened throughout the way, enjoy.

When I started cooking it was fun but I didn’t really know what to cook, but when I started the Ron Paul curriculum I was so happy to see that there was a cooking subject. I really wanted to go straight to the projects, but I couldn’t sadly. When I started my first project I wanted to start it right away, until I realized that I didn’t have all the ingredients ,so I told my parents that I needed the ingredients and they said ok well try to get them, I was super happy, when I followed the video I couldn’t wait to taste what I made. When I got them out of the oven I tried them I was amazed they were homemade potato chips but there was one thing that I need to improve on, it had a lot of salt and was burnt a little so I wanted to make more but I used all my ingredients so I couldn’t, I shared them with my family and they loved it, and I was happy that I could cook something else then eggs and it was fun.

What I like about my neighborhood.

Hi, this is what I like about my neighborhood, enjoy!

Let us hop right into it. When I feel like my neighborhood is a lovely place and I feel that I should share about it with the world; alright I first moved to my neighborhood, I knew it was going to be a nice community. When we were done packing we were trying to figure out something to do and we did, we discovered that there was a park near us so we went to it. The park we went to had a cool playground that had some sort of a net that you sit in and somebody pushes you and once I tried it I was having a blast, I told my brother to push me but not too hard; he did exactly what I told him not to do, he pushed me so hard I felt butterflies in my stomach. I told him to slow down, he said “jump” once I slow down and I did, and I landed it.

Then we went over to this weird kind of play set it had monkey bars, a little rock wall, and a weird rope that was at an angle, I tried to climb it but it just turned around and I fell and at that moment I thought I will never climb this rope again, but I moved on. My dad, my mom, my brother and I went to go find a spot to chill at and we found this open area that was perfect for us, so we went and used it as a spot to hang out, my dad pointed to a tree that was at an angle and I tried to climb it but failed, I tried again and failed, I kept on trying and trying and I got it, I climbed the tree! I was happy but when I tried to get down I couldn’t as I was too scared I thought I would fall on my face or something. I thought of many ways to get down, I tried them all but didn’t succeed and then I finally found a way when I slid my feet against the bark of the tree and jumped. After that slide and jump my feet hurt but I was fine overall.

After being at the park for an hour we decided to go get some food. My mom said there was an ice cream shop that was called DIY ice cream. We went in to see if there was anything else to eat not just ice cream. We looked on the menu AND THERE WAS SUSHI! We were so happy, so we ordered some sushi, and we ate all of it, it was so good! After that I had an ice cream that looked like Mickey Mouse, it was delicious. Then we went back home to go to sleep.

The next morning my dad said he knew a person that had a Jiu jitsu school close to us. I was happy as I really wanted to do a martial art for many years. We went there and I did a class, it was so cool I learned some moves that I can use to protect myself. After a while I started doing well in Jiu jitsu, I went every day for five days in a week, one of my instructors told me that in a few months I can go on the competition team, I was looking forward to it.

That park is a favorite of ours and we go regularly. One day my family and I went back to the park but this time I wanted to not just climb one tree but multiple as I now believed in myself. I went in to the park to climb trees but there was a person I knew and we started talking wanting to play a game so I remembered a game I used to play with my friends a lot, I told him why don’t we play it, he said why not. We started and he went first, he said one of the things you need to do is climb this tree and pointed to the tree. I was happy because one of my goals was to climb multiple trees so we did, I climbed the tree, the tree was a called gumbo limbo and it’s hard to climb because its bark is like paper so its slippery when you try. The way I tried to climb it was sort of hard; I grabbed on to one of the branches and walked my feet up the tree, then I pulled myself in to the tree, then I grabbed another tree branch that was closer and pulled myself up and then I climbed the tree. After my friend left I went over where my family chills. Once I got there I saw my dad and my brother climbing a tree. I asked if I could try, my dad said yeah of course, I tried to do what they did but it didn’t work  and during my brother said you’re never going to climb that tree you can barely climb that other tree at an angle. My dad reprimanded  him and told him not to say that. He then suggested another way to climb it even though my brother said that’s a harder way I ignored him and tried and tried and tried but when I thought I wouldn’t get it I did it, I climbed the tree, I achieved my goal! I was really happy I achieved my goal. To celebrate we went to the DIY ice cream shop again and the last time I went there I saw these Japanese sodas I wanted to try but didn’t get to. Since I remembered this, I got the strawberry flavored one and it looked like water but it was really good. After that we went home to go to sleep to live another day.

I hoped you enjoyed that essay/story, I thank you for reading about what I like about my neighborhood; I hoped you liked it, Bye!

These are my favorite things to do!

Here are things that I like to do, enjoy!

Drawing: Drawing is something that I love to do, it brings me joy and peace. When I was a little kid sometimes I was bored and liked to draw stuff. After that I drew cartoons and other drawings. And that is one of things that I like to do.

Martial arts: My dad does a martial art called tai chi, I wanted him to teach me when I was little, but when he was teaching me it, I felt like it was not for me. After a while I found my love for jiu jitsu. I love practicing it all the time and enjoy it. And that is another thing that I like to do.

Reading: Reading is something I like, if I find a good book, I will gladly read it. Some of my favorite book types are adventure and fantasy. Sometimes I read books that are real stories and reading books make me feel peaceful.

Going outside: Kids back then usually would go outside and play but nowadays kids are on their phones, playing games and not active outside. When I was little, I played outside all the time and I still do to this day.

Cooking: Whenever I saw my big brother cook or my mom, I was like wow I really want to do that so one time I asked my mom if she can help me learn how to cook, she told me to start off with simple things to cook like eggs, egg sandwiches and other things. Once I started cooking, I loved it; if I had a chance to cook I will gladly do it. Cooking is one of the things I love to do other than drawing, martial arts, reading, going outside, etcetera.

And those are things that I like to do, I hope you liked it. Bye!

Summer Birthday Celebration Essay

INTRODUCTION: this essay will talk about my birthday summer vacation, I will say things about it like how I felt during the different events in this story. Ok, hope you enjoy it.     

So when it was my birthday it was summer. I wanted to go and see animals and so we went to lion country safari. Once we got there we went straight to the bathroom because it was an hour drive and we really needed to go.  After we went to the bathroom, we went to go show the employees our tickets we got online from booking it on my dad’s phone. And so we drove in when the employee said: Ok just drive straight and enjoy your ride, and so here we are going to see some animals.

Alright, our first animal is a tortoise let’s see, uhh where are the tortoises, uh I guess they’re not here, ok now what’s next. Next were birds, lots of different birds. The birds had a waterfall, I thought that was cool.  Next were like deer with stripes, they were kind of cool. Next were ostriches, they were running around, some were in the deer with stripes habitat, and when we were in the ostriches habitat it was crazy as some were running around some were eating bugs from the ground and some were pooping, it was crazy. When we were driving to see our next animals I was thinking about the lions, I could not wait to see the lions.

Ok what are next, next were like deer with wavy horns they were weird but cool, when we were driving and seeing the deer with wavy horns the workers went to go feed those deer, he had a thing on the back of his truck and probably had a button in the car that dropped the food down to the ground. So what animal is next, the next animal were LIONS, YES LIONS, I was so happy to see if the lions went up to our car, I was super happy but the lions were in a cage so they couldn’t come up to the car, I was sad but at least I got to see a little lion cub sleeping with his mom, that made me happy again.

After that we went over a bridge I said wow those are some big rocks in the river, my brother said those are not rocks they are hippos. Wow, look one is opening his mouth my brother said: those teeth are huge. So after we saw the hippos we saw an island there was an endangered rhino species on the island, I really hoped that rhino species won’t be endangered any more. Next was more rhinos but this time they were not on a island they were going up to cars and eating grass, some had really big horns but one rhino wanted to check us out so the rhino came up to our car and the rhino was really close like really close, if I had a heart monitor to check how fast my heart was going it would say like 120 mph but that was really cool. And they had zebras chilling with the rhinos; I have never seen a zebra really close up.

So then we kept on driving straight to the next animal. The next animal was MONKEYSSS!!! They had multiple islands, they also had stuffed animals, a play ground, and toy balls, toy balls too!! Some monkeys had red butts; I liked the monkeys with red butts. lol And the last animal WAS, drum roll please, BUM BUM BUM, GIRAFFES! They couldn’t come up to the car but at least I got to see their very big necks. And so we went around again but this time we went back to the ostriches habitat when we were about to go out of the habitat the car in front of us stopped we don’t know why but then a ostrich went from where the people in front of us were and pecked at our window, my brother got out his phone and started filming it was crazy and after that we went around and then we left lion country safari to only come once again.

After all, how did you like the essay? I tried very hard to make it, and when I was writing it I wanted it to feel like I am talking to you in person, I also tried to elaborate as much as I could. I got very cool souvenirs and very cool memories as I hope you did to from this story. Over all, I felt happy to write this and for you to read it. I hope you liked this story, have a great day, bye.